Saturday 19 May 2012

Finding Wireless

Hi everyone!

All is well here in America and I'm having lots of amazing adventures. I even visited a farm! It was a bit different to Farmeco (it was an alligator farm!) and very interesting to see.

However, I am struggling to find wireless fast enough to upload pictures as frequently as I would like. Please bear with me; I'll keep trying!

Lots of love,


  1. watch those gators Baart i heard the taste like the C word ........yes you guessed CHICKEN

  2. Hi Baart, all the sunflower seedlings have popped up at Farmeco. Guess who has the tallest? yep - its you!!

    Quercus Community are doing some work on the importance of water as part of the SELF festival. Did you know that brushing your teeth with the tap running wastes almost 9 litres a minute!
